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Fraxel® Pre- and Post- Care Instructions

Fraxel  is a laser that refreshes your skin from the inside out. The laser energy creates microscopic thermal treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue. Your appointment will take about 45 min, with a 60 minute numbing period prior to treatment. There are 3 different modalities we can use with our Fraxel device:

The Fraxel Re:Store 1550 stimulates collagen and treats wrinkles, acne and other scars, stretch marks, and skin blotchiness on the face and body. It is also a great treatment for the upper and lower eyelids. Results are seen after one treatment with optimal results after a series of 4 treatments.

The Fraxel Thulium 1927 targets the pigmentation. The pigmentation is extruded and shed from the skin over three to five days, revealing smoother, brighter, younger-looking skin. Results are seen after one treatment with optimal results after 2-3 treatments.

Fraxel Dual combines the benefits of Fraxel Re:Store with the benefits of the Fraxel Thulium. This is a fabulous treatment if you are concerned with texture and pigmentation.


  • Avoid direct sun exposure for a week prior to treatment.
  • Avoid any ablative lasers four weeks prior to treatment.
  •  Please arrive with no makeup, including eyeliner, mascara, or lipstick.
  • If the skin is irritated from the use of exfoliants like Tretinoin, discontinue use one week prior to treatment.
  • If prone to fever blisters or acne, laser treatment can produce a flare-up. Please inform your physician prior to treatment if this occurs. Valtrex is recommended before treatment as a preventative measure.
  • You must arrive at least ONE HOUR prior to your scheduled appointment time to allow time to numb.
  • The treatment area will be numbed with a topical anesthetic for at least an hour before treatment; the option of oral pain medication is also available and should be discussed with your doctor before treatment.


  • Generally, a “sunburned” feeling on treatment area is experienced for up to 24-48 hours.
  • Heat sensation can be intense in the two to three hours post-treatment.
  • To minimize swelling, apply cold compresses to the treatment area for 10 minutes of every hour on the day of the treatment.
  • Sleep on your back with your head elevated on the first night post-treatment
  • Avoid vigorous activity while your skin is still reacting to treatment.
  • STRICT adherence to sun protection/sunscreen. Direct sunlight should be avoided for 3 months during/post-treatment series.
  • Days 2-6 post treatment:
    • Redness may worsen and swelling may be significant.
    • Itching can also occur.
    • A gradual rough darkening of the treatment area is common and will resemble a small scab. Patients are advised not to rub treatment area or try to scrub the rough area away. This is part of the healing process and should start to slough off in 3-4 days.
    • Please call us if the following occurs: oozing, blistering, pain, and/or bleeding.
    • Resume regular skin regimen once treatment area is back to “normal.”
    • Fraxel treatments should be scheduled every 4-6 weeks (depending on treatment reaction) and can be done for a series of 3-5 treatments. (A package of 4 is recommended).
    • Fraxel Thulium targets pigmentation concerns. This laser should be scheduled every 8-10 weeks for 2-3 treatments for the treatment of melasma, and every 4-6 weeks for 2-3 treatments for other pigmentation concerns.
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